6(A) (B)(B)(A) (B)(A)(A) Front base (Movable shoe)(B) Rear base (Stationary shoe)Correct settingNicks in surfaceGouging at startGouging at endAlthough this side view cannotshow it, the edges of the bladesrun perfectly parallel to the rearbase surface.Cause: One or both blades fails tohave edge parallel to rearbase line.Cause: One or both blade edgesfails to protrude enough inrelation to rear base line.Cause: One or both blade edgesprotrudes too far in relationto rear base line.EN0004-1Nozzle assembly (optional accessory)1002570Use of the special nozzle assembly will minimize chipscatter, making for a cleaner work area.The nozzle assembly may be attached after the chipcover on the tool body is removed. When slipping on theassembly, fit the pin on it into the rear cover hole. Usethe chip cover screws to fasten it in place.123010670OPERATIONPlaning operation1 2010671First, rest the tool front base flat upon the workpiecesurface without the blades making any contact. Switchon and wait until the blades attain full speed. Then movethe tool gently forward. Apply pressure on the front oftool at the start of planing, and at the back at the end ofplaning. Planing will be easier if you incline theworkpiece in stationary fashion, so that you can planesomewhat downhill.The speed and depth of cut determine the kind of finish.The power planer keeps cutting at a speed that will notresult in jamming by chips. For rough cutting, the depthof cut can be increased, while for a good finish youshould reduce the depth of cut and advance the toolmore slowly.1. End2. Start1. Chip coverscrew2. Chip cover3. Hole1. Nozzleassembly