9High tensile bolt012010080604020N mFastening torqueFastening time S)Proper fastening torque(ft lbs)(87)(72)(58)(43)(29)(14)(M12(1/2")M10(3/8")(M12)M8(5/16")(M10)(M8)(1/2")(3/8")(5/16")0 1.0 2.0 3.0007319NOTE:• Use the proper bit for the head of the screw/boltthat you wish to use.• When fastening screw M8 or smaller, carefullyadjust pressure on the switch trigger so that thescrew is not damaged.• Hold the tool pointed straight at the screw.• If you tighten the screw for a time longer thanshown in the figures, the screw or the point of thedriver bit may be overstressed, stripped, damaged,etc. Before starting your job, always perform a testoperation to determine the proper fastening time foryour screw.CAUTION:• If the tool is operated continuously until the batterycartridge has discharged, allow the tool to rest for15 minutes before proceeding with a fresh battery.The fastening torque is affected by a wide variety offactors including the following. After fastening, alwayscheck the torque with a torque wrench.1. When the battery cartridge is discharged almostcompletely, voltage will drop and the fasteningtorque will be reduced.2. Driver bit or socket bitFailure to use the correct size driver bit or socketbit will cause a reduction in the fastening torque.3. Bolt• Even though the torque coefficient and theclass of bolt are the same, the proper fasteningtorque will differ according to the diameter ofbolt.• Even though the diameters of bolts are thesame, the proper fastening torque will differaccording to the torque coefficient, the class ofbolt and the bolt length.4. The manner of holding the tool or the material ofdriving position to be fastened will affect thetorque.5. Operating the tool at low speed will cause areduction in the fastening torque.Hammer drilling operationCAUTION:• There is a tremendous and sudden twisting forceexerted on the tool/bit at the time of holebreak-through, when the hole becomes cloggedwith chips and particles, or when striking reinforcingrods embedded in the concrete.To drill in the concrete or tiles, first, turn the action modechanging lever so that the arrow on the lever points to themark on the tool body. The adjusting ring can bealigned in any torque levels for this operation.Be sure to use a tungsten-carbide tipped bit.Position the bit at the desired location for the hole, thenpull the switch trigger. Do not force the tool. Lightpressure gives best results. Keep the tool in position andprevent it from slipping away from the hole.Do not apply more pressure when the hole becomesclogged with chips or particles. Instead, run the tool at anidle, then remove the bit partially from the hole. Byrepeating this several times, the hole will be cleaned outand normal drilling may be resumed.CAUTION:• If the tool is operated continuously until the batterycartridge has discharged, allow the tool to rest for15 minutes before proceeding with a fresh battery.Screwdriving operationCAUTION:• Adjust the adjusting ring to the proper torque levelfor your work.When driving small wood screws or machine screws.set the action mode changing lever to the mark.Adjust the adjusting ring to the proper torque level foryour work.Place the point of the driver bit in the screw head andapply pressure to the tool. Start the tool slowly and thenincrease the speed gradually. Release the switch triggeras soon as the clutch cuts in.CAUTION:• Make sure that the driver bit is inserted straight inthe screw head, or the screw and/or bit may bedamaged.• If the tool is operated continuously until the batterycartridge has discharged, allow the tool to rest for15 minutes before proceeding with a fresh battery.