10and slip it into place. Always insert it all the wayuntil it locks in place with a little click. If you cansee the red part on the upper side of the button, itis not locked completely. Insert it fully until the redpart cannot be seen. If not, it may accidentally fallout of the tool, causing injury to you or someonearound you.• Do not use force when inserting the batteryadapter. If the adapter does not slide in easily, it isnot being inserted correctly.• The way of removing or installing a batterycartridge from or on the battery adapter is thesame as that of removing or installing it from or onthe tools.• Press down the hook securely as far as it will gowhen the battery adapter is hooked on the waistbelt and similar objects.Arm cord hook (Accessory)CAUTION:• Do not attach the holder of arm cord hook to otherthan the extension cord. Failure to do so maycause an accident or personal injury.Using the arm cord hook helps to minimize a risk ofcutting off the extension cord unexpectedly caused bythe loose extension cord.1234011150Attach firmly the arm cord hook band placing aroundyour arm and pass the extension cord through theholder. The length of the arm cord hook band isadjustable.NOTE:• Do not pass the extension cord through the band.• Do not force the opening of the holder. Failure todo so may cause deflection and damage to it.OPERATIONCAUTION:• Be careful not to accidentally contact a metalfence or other hard objects while trimming. Theblade will break and may cause serious injury.• Overreaching with a hedge trimmer, particularlyfrom a ladder, is extremely dangerous. Do notwork from anything wobbly or infirm.Fig.5Do not attempt to cut branches thicker than 10 mmdiameter with this trimmer. These should first be cut withshears down to the hedge trimming level.CAUTION:• Do not cut off dead trees or similar hard objects.Failure to do so may damage the tool.Fig.6Hold the trimmer with both hands and pull the switchtrigger A or B and then move it in front of your body.Fig.7As a basic operation, tilt the blades towards thetrimming direction and move it calmly and slowly at thespeed rate of 3 - 4 seconds per meter.Fig.8To cut a hedge top evenly, it helps to tie a string at thedesired hedge height and to trim along it, using it as areference line.Fig.9Attaching the chip receiver (accessory) on the tool whentrimming the hedge straight can avoid cut off leaves'being thrown away.Fig.10Rotate the handle for your easy handling beforeoperation. Refer to the section titled "Handle mountingposition"To cut a hedge side evenly, it helps to cut from thebottom upwards.Fig.11Trim boxwood or rhododendron from the base towardthe top for a nice appearance and good job.Installing or removing chip receiver(accessory)CAUTION:• Always be sure that the tool is switched off and thebattery cartridge is removed before installing orremoving chip receiver.NOTE:• When replacing the chip receiver, always weargloves so that hands and face does not directlycontact the blade. Failure to do so may causepersonal injury.1. Arm cord hook band2. Holder3. Extension cord (Battery adapter)4. Adapter (Battery adapter)