6CAUTION:• Do not rotate the change lever when the tool isrunning under load. The tool will be damaged.• To avoid rapid wear on the mode changemechanism, be sure that the change lever isalways positively located in one of the two or threeaction mode positions.Torque limiterThe torque limiter will actuate when a certain torquelevel is reached. The motor will disengage from theoutput shaft. When this happens, the bit will stop turning.CAUTION:• As soon as the torque limiter actuates, switch offthe tool immediately. This will help preventpremature wear of the tool.Indicator lamp12006314The green power-ON indicator lamp lights up when thetool is plugged. If the indicator lamp does not light up,the mains cord or the controller may be defective. Theindicator lamp is lit but the tool does not start even if thetool is switched on, the carbon brushes may be worn out,or the controller, the motor or the ON/OFF switch may bedefective.The red service indicator lamp lights up when the carbonbrushes are nearly worn out to indicate that the toolneeds servicing. After approx. 8 hours of use, the motorwill automatically be shut off.ASSEMBLYCAUTION:• Always be sure that the tool is switched off andunplugged before carrying out any work on thetool.Side handle003139CAUTION:• Use the side handle only when chipping, scaling ordemolishing. Do not use it when drilling in concrete,masonry, etc. The tool cannot be held properly withthis side handle when drilling.The side handle can be swung 360° on the vertical andsecured at any desired position. It also secures at eightdifferent positions back and forth on the horizontal. Justloosen the clamp nut to swing the side handle to adesired position. Then tighten the clamp nut securely.12006315Side grip1006316CAUTION:• Always use the side grip to ensure operating safetywhen drilling in concrete, masonry, etc.The side grip swings around to either side, allowing easyhandling of the tool in any position. Loosen the side gripby turning it counterclockwise, swing it to the desiredposition and then tighten it by turning clockwise.1. Side grip1. Side handle2. Clamp nut1. Power-ONindicator lamp(green)2. Service indicatorlamp (red)