111009040(3) When the width of rip is narrower than 65 mm,the push stick cannot be used because thepush stick will strike the blade guard. Use theauxiliary fence and push block. Attach theauxiliary fence to the rip fence with two "C"clamps.1009041Feed the workpiece by hand until the end isabout 25 mm from the front edge of the table.Continue to feed using the push block on thetop of the auxiliary fence until the cut iscomplete.12009042Cross cuttingCAUTION:• When making a crosscut, remove the rip fencefrom the table.• When cutting long or large workpieces, alwaysprovide adequate support to the sides of the table.The support should be at the same height as thetable.• Always keep hands away from path of blade.Miter gauge1 23 4008788Use the miter gauge for the 4 types of cutting shown inthe figure.CAUTION:• Secure the knob on the miter gauge carefully.• Avoid creep of workpiece and gauge by firmworkholding arrangement, especially when cuttingat an angle.• NEVER hold or grasp the intended "cut-off" portionof the workpiece.• Always adjust the distance between the end of themiter gauge and the saw blade not to exceed 15mm (19/32").Use of miter gauge1 2009043Slide the miter gauge into the thick grooves in the table.Loosen the knob on the gauge and align to desiredangle (0° to 60°). Bring stock flush up against fence andslide table, secure it with the clamp on the miter gaugeand feed gently forward into the blade.Auxiliary wood facing (miter gauge)0087901. Miter gauge2. Knob1. Cross cutting2. Mitering3. Bevel cutting4. Compoundmitering(angles)1. Push block2. Auxiliary fence1. Auxiliary fence1. Push block