16 ENGLISHCAUTION: Be sure to wear dust mask whendisposing of dust.CAUTION: Empty the dust case regularlybefore the dust case becomes full. Failure to do somay decrease the dust collection performance andcause dust inhalation.CAUTION: The performance of dust collectiondecreases if the filter in the dust case becomeclogged. Replace the filter with new one afterapproximately 200 times of dust fulfillment as aguide. Failure to do so may cause dust inhalation.1. Remove the dust case while pressing down thelever of the dust case.1► 1. Lever2. Open the cover of the dust case.1► 1. Cover3. Dispose of the dust, and then clean the filter.NOTICE: When cleaning the filter, do not touchthe filter with brush or similar, or blow com-pressed air on the filter. It may damage the filter.Blow-out bulbOptional accessoryAfter drilling the hole, use the blow-out bulb to clean thedust out of the hole.Using dust cup setOptional accessoryFit the dust cup set against the ceiling when operatingthe tool.NOTICE: Do not use the dust cup set when drill-ing in metal or similar. It may damage the dustcup set due to the heat produced by small metaldust or similar.NOTICE: Do not install or remove the dust cupset with the drill bit installed in the tool. It maydamage the dust cup set and cause dust leak.