21 ENGLISHCancelling tool registration for thevacuum cleanerPerform the following procedure when cancelling thetool registration for the vacuum cleaner.1. Install the batteries to the vacuum cleaner and thetool.2. Set the stand-by switch on the vacuum cleaner to"AUTO".1► 1. Stand-by switch3. Press the wireless activation button on the vac-uum cleaner for 6 seconds. The wireless activationlamp blinks in green and then become red. After that,press the wireless activation button on the tool in thesame way.1 21 2► 1. Wireless activation button 2. Wireless activationlampIf the cancellation is performed successfully, the wire-less activation lamps will light up in red for 2 secondsand start blinking in blue.NOTE: The wireless activation lamps finish blinking inred after 20 seconds elapsed. Press the wireless acti-vation button on the tool while the wireless activationlamp on the cleaner is blinking. If the wireless acti-vation lamp does not blink in red, push the wirelessactivation button briefly and hold it down again.