65 66PAvTvMXCFC1C2C3PAv TvMXCFC1C2C3Once the shutter button has been pressed, the shutter will release after the selectedtime has passed. The self timer lamp will blink, and three seconds prior to when theshutter releases, the blinking will flash more rapidly. This is a useful function for thephotographer to be able to take commemorative shots of his or herself.Self Timer mode1. Make sure the camera is firmly attached tothe tripod.2. Press the self timer button to set the selftimer mode to “ ”.3. Turn the front dial until self timer mode is setto “On”4. Turn the rear dial to select the countdowntime. 0.5/ 1 sec. to 10 seconds is selectableby the second, 10 seconds to 90 seconds isselectable by units of 10 seconds, 2 minutesto 10 minutes is selectable by the minute while10 to 60 minutes is selectable by units of 10minutes.5. Check the view through the viewfinder toensure the image area and focusing are correctthen press the shutter button. The shutter willrelease after the selected time frame.Releasing self timer mode1. Press the self-timer button to set self timer mode.2. Turn the front dial to “OF.”★ To release the self timer while it is operating, turn off the power (by setting thedrive dial to “L”).★ When there is bright light source behind the camera or when you press the shutterbutton without looking through the viewfinder, light may enter from the viewfinder'seyepiece, adversely affecting the exposure metering. Turn the eyepiece shutteropen/close knob to close the eyepiece shutter, then take the pictures. (page 65.)★ Mirror up delay photography can be achieved after setting self timer mode byturning the drive dial to “M.UP” (Mirror up mode). (page 64.)By repeated turning, the interval time can be set automatically. It can be set to suitscenes such as cloud movement or views of insects in action.Interval Photography★ Repeat turning (according to the number of times) will lead to a countdownappearing in the display.1. Ensure the camera is firmly secured on asturdy tripod.2. Press the interval button twice for theinterval mode.3. Turn the front dial and shoose your preferredduraton by turning. Settings can be made from2 to 10 (in single units), 10 to 60 (in units of 10)or for limitless (“On”.).4. Turn the rear dial to set the interval time.Settings include 0 seconds (no interval time), 1to 10 seconds (increased by the second), 10 to90 seconds (increased in units of 10), 2 to 10minutes (increased by the minute) or 10 to 60minutes (increased in units of 10 minutes perturn).5. Check the focus and framing in theviewfinder then press the shetter for the shutterto be released.6. Interval mode is automatically turned offwhen the cycle completes.PAvTvMXCFC1C2C3PAvTvMXCFC1C2C3PAvTvMXCFC1C2C3