Refrigeration System Section 77-16 Part No. 80-1214-3ConnectionsManifold gauge sets must utilize low loss fittings tocomply with U.S. Government rules and regulations.Make these connections:• Suction side of the compressor through the suctionshut-off valve.• Discharge side of the compressor through the liquidline shut-off valve.• Receiver service valve, which evacuates the areabetween the check valve in the liquid line and theliquid line solenoid valve.Recovery/Evacuation (QF2200/QF2300)1. Place the toggle switch in the OFF position anddisconnect all power to the ice machine andcondensing unit.2. Install the manifold gauges, charging scale andrecovery unit or two-stage vacuum pump.3. Open the receiver service valve halfway.4. Open high and low side on the manifold gauge set.5. Perform recovery or evacuation:A. Recovery: Operate the recovery unit as directedby the manufacturer’s instructions.B. Evacuation prior to recharging: Evacuate to 500microns. Then allow the pump to run for anadditional hour. Turn off the pump and perform astanding vacuum leak check.6. Refer to Charging Procedures.ImportantReplace the liquid line drier before evacuating andrecharging. Use only a Manitowoc (OEM) liquid linefilter drier to prevent voiding the warranty.! WarningRecovery/Evacuation requires connections at threepoints for complete system recovery/evacuation. Acheck valve is located in the ice machine headsection between the liquid line shut-off valve and thereceiver. The check valve prevents refrigerantmigration from the receiver to the condensing unit inthe off cycle. Connections must be made at threepoints (receiver service valve, suction line and liquidline) to allow recovery and evacuation of the entiresystem.! WarningThe receiver service valve (located in the icemachine head section) must be accessed duringrefrigerant recovery to allow complete removal ofthe refrigerant charge.CONNECTIONS MUST BEMADE AT 3 POINTS FORCOMPLETE REFRIGERANTRECOVERY OR EVACUATION SV3016Revised 8/2003