Section 6 Electrical SystemPart No. 80-1214-3 6-15Automatic Shut-OffAn 8 minute lockout starts when thecompressor de-energizes. When theice drops away from the bin levelprobe the ice machine will begin aninitial start-up cycle, provided the “8minute lock-out” has expired.8 Minute Lock-outThe bin level light will flash until the 8minute lock-out expires.After the 8 minute lock-out expiresthe bin level light will de-energize.The 8 minute lock-out time can beoverridden by moving the ON/OFF/ICE toggle switch from ICE to OFFthen back to ICE.SV3128RELAYK1GROUNDL1 L2 (N)(21)(65)CONTACTORCOIL(90)HIGHPRESSURECUT-OUT (95)RELAYK2RELAYK3RELAY K4(25)10 AMPFUSE(46)GEARMOTOR(22)(43)(56)WATER FLOATVALVE COIL(52)(22)(55)(51)DUMP VALVE COILFAN MOTOR(AIR-COOLED ONLY)(41)CONTACTORCONTACTSL1 T1C4POTENTIALRELAYRUNCAPACITORC4POTENTIALRELAYCONTACTORCOILC4POTENTIALRELAYC4POTENTIALRELAY(21)RUN CAPACITORFAN CYCLECONTROLOVERLOADCOMPRESSOR(49)RUNCAPACITORSTARTCAPACITOR(31) (62)C5 C2C1CRS(61)(45)Automatic Shut-Off (Until Ice No Longer Contacts Bin Level Probe)Toggle Switch ICEBin Level Probe Closed (Ice Contacting Probe)Control Board Relays#1 Contactor Coil Open / OFFCompressor OFFCondenser Fan Motor OFF#2 Dump Valve OFF#3 Gear Motor OFF#4 Water Float Valve Solenoid Coil OFFRevised 8/2003