Part Number 040005626 5/17 81PROCEDUREStep 1 Complete each item individually in the“Operational Analysis” column.Enter check marks (✓) in the boxes.Each time the actual findings of an item in the“Operational Analysis” column matches the publishedfindings on the table, enter a check mark.Example: Freeze cycle suction pressure is determinedto be low. Enter a check mark in the “low” box.Perform the procedures and check all informationlisted. Each item in this column has supportingreference material.While analyzing each item separately, you may find an“external problem” causing a good refrigerantcomponent to appear bad. Correct problems as theyare found. If the operational problem is found, it isnot necessary to complete the remainingprocedures.Step 2 Add the check marks listed under each of thefour columns. Note the column number with thehighest total and proceed to “Final Analysis.”NOTE: If two columns have matching high numbers, aprocedure was not performed properly and/orsupporting material was not analyzed correctly.