148 Part Number 80-1230-9 10/10ICE PRODUCTION/QUALITY CHECKQUALITY CHECKIce quality will vary with ambient and watertemperatures, and is measured by the amount ofexcess water in the ice. An easy test is to squeeze ahandful of ice. High quality ice releases only a smallamount of water. As ice quality drops, more water canbe removed.Generally speaking, higher incoming watertemperature results in lower ice quality.Lower water temperature results in higher ice quality.ICE PRODUCTION CHECK1. Run the ice machine a minimum of 10 minutes toallow the system to stabilize.2. Catch the ice in a non-perforated container for7 minutes and 12 seconds or for more accuracy14 minutes and 24 seconds.3. Weigh the container and ice, then deduct theweight of the container.4. Convert ounces to pounds.5. Example: 3 lbs. 12 oz. converts to 3.75 lbs.6. (12 oz. ÷ 16 oz. =.75 lb.)7. Determine the 24-hour ice production capacity. 7 minutes 12 seconds Multiply the total ice weight by 200. 14 minutes 24 seconds Multiply the total ice weight by 100.Example:1. Collected ice for 7 minutes 12 seconds2. Total weight (minus container) = 3.75 lbs.3. 3.75 lbs. x 200 = 750 lbs. of ice every 24 hours4. Compare the capacity to the 24-hour iceproduction chart for the model being tested.5. Ice production checks that are within 10% of thecharted capacity are considered normal due tovariances in air and water temperatures. Actualtemperatures will seldom match the chart exactly.