DELETEEach key can have several functions types stored. However, only the highestpriority type will be active. When you delete a function, a lower priorityfunction type may become active. To completely erase the functionalityof a key, you may need to execute the Delete function multiple times. Forexample; if you delete a learned command, a lower priority command maybecome active. The order of priority for each function type is:1 Punch Through2 Learned3 Copied Library Command4 Default Library CommandExample: Delete punch-through “SURR MODE” function key from DVDpage (refer to PUNCH-THROUGH example above).1 Press [DVD] in the DEVICE SELECTOR page.2 Press and hold [TUNER (10+/SETUP)] and [ENTER] buttons. Use [ ] toscroll to “Delete”.3 Press [ENTER].4 Press [SURR MODE] button.5 Use [ ] to select between “No” (desired function key will not bedeleted) and “Yes” (desired function key is deleted and process iscompleted).RENAMEAll keys can be renamed except MACRO key.Example: Rename “Input 1” key of “AMP” page to “DVD”.1 Press [AMP] in the DEVICE SELECTOR page.2 Press and hold [TUNER (10+/SETUP)] and [ENTER] buttons. Use [ ] toscroll to “Rename”.3 Press [ENTER].4 Press [1] button.5 Use [ ] buttons to select the first character of the name (“D” fromthe alphabetical list).6 Press [ ] button to select the character and correspondingly moveforward to the next position. (Press [ ] to go back to the previouscharacter). Repeat this process for each character in sequence.7 Since “DVD” is only three characters and “Input 1” is six character spaces,overlap the remaining characters with a space. Space or blank can alsobe selected using [ ] buttons – scroll up to the blank character.8 Press [ENTER] when you have finished the renaming sequence.9 Display shows “Save” and “No” - use [ ] to select between “No” (new namewill not saved) and “Yes” (new name will be saved and process is completed).MACROA “macro” command is a series of two or more remote codes issuedautomatically from a single keypress. You might use a macro to automatea simple command sequence, such as, “Turn on the DVD player and thenpress “play.’” Or you might compose an elaborate macro to power upan entire system, select a source, choose a Listening Mode, and beginplayback—again, all from a single keypress. The HTRC 1 can store onemacro to all its function keys except MACRO.Macros will be executed with the same timing as they were recorded. Thelength of time each command is sent will also correspond to the samelength of time the key will be held down while recording.Example: Record a Macro to the [0] key to turn ON the NAD T 785, Select[Input 1], turn ON the NAD T515 DVD Player, and commence disc playbackof the connected Input 1 device (as in the NAD T515 DVD player):1 Press [AMP] in the DEVICE SELECTOR page.2 Press and hold [TUNER (10+/SETUP)] and [ENTER] buttons. Use [ ] toscroll to “Macro”.3 Press [ENTER].4 Display shows “Macro” and “Key?”- press [0].5 Press [AMP], [ON], [1], [DVD], [ON] and [ ](Play). The length of timeeach command is entered will also correspond to the same timesequence the macro command is executed.6 Press [MACRO] to end the sequence.7 Use [ ] to select between “No” (macro command will not be saved)and “Yes” (macro command will be saved and process is completed).OPERATIONUSING THE HTRC 1 REMOTE CONTROL46ENGLISH