UNIVERGE SV8100 Issue 5.0General Description Manual 2 - 53Repeat RedialIf a multiline terminal user places a trunk call that is busy or unanswered, they canhave Repeat Redial try it again later on. The user does not continually have to try thenumber again – hoping it goes through. Repeat Redial automatically retries it until thecalled party answers (the number of retries is based on system programming).Resident System ProgramWhen power is applied to the system, the hardware configuration is scanned andResident System Program default values are assigned including terminal types [e.g.,PGD(2)-U10 ADP or DSS Console]. This enables immediate operation, even beforethe system is programmed to accommodate the individual site requirements.Reverse Voice OverWhile on a call, Reverse Voice Over lets a busy multiline terminal user make a privateIntercom call to an idle co-worker. The idle co-worker can be at a multiline terminal orsingle line telephone. The busy user presses a programmed Reverse Voice Over keyto make a private call to a specified co-worker. The initial caller cannot hear theReverse Voice Over conversation. The private Intercom call continues until theReverse Voice Over caller presses the key again. The initial call can be an outsidecall or an Intercom call.Reverse Voice Over could help a salesman, for example, when placing a call to animportant client. The salesman can talk with the client and give special instructions toa secretary – without interrupting the initial call.When the multiline terminal is idle, the Reverse Voice Over key functions the same asa Hotline or One-Touch key. A multiline terminal Reverse Voice Over key also showsat a glance the status of the associated extension: When the destination extension is idle, the Reverse Voice Over provides one button calling to theassociated extension (like a Hotline key). An extension user cannot, however, use the ReverseVoice Over key to Transfer calls by one-touch operation.When the key is. . . The associated extension is. . .Off IdleOn Busy or call ringingFast Flash In Do Not Disturb