Installing and Configuring SCO UNIXWare 7.1.1 6-5Installing and Configuring System SoftwareThis section contains supplemental information for installing and configuringUnixWare 7.1.1 Operating System.Reconfiguring the DOS PartitionYour system ships with its primary hard drive formatted with an MS-DOS Æpartition approximately 50MB in size. This partition can be removed orreconfigured before you load your Network Operating System software andapplications. You can, if you wish, create a new DOS partition as long as itleaves enough disk space for your Network Operating System software andapplications.If you want to reconfigure the size of the DOS partition perform the followingprocedure:Note: When reconfiguring the DOS partition all data onnon-removable disk drive C: will be lost!1. Boot your system from the DOS partition.2. Create a bootable DOS diskette by inserting a blank diskette and entering:format a: /s3. Copy the fdisk command to the bootable diskette by entering:copy c:\DOS\fdisk.exe a:4. Use the DOS fdisk command to remove and optionally recreate a smallactive DOS partition on Drive C: of the appropriate size.5. Install DOS (supplied with your system) in the DOS partition.Installing UnixWare 7.1.1 Software with a RAID ControllerNote: This section assumes that you have properlycompleted the hardware installation and the drive arrayconfiguration. If you have not done so, please refer to thecorresponding documentation and complete the hardwareinstallation and configuration before trying to proceed withdriver installation.Read the Release Notes (packaged with your operating system documentation)before starting the installation.Follow the UnixWare 7.1.1 installation instructions in the UnixWare 7.1.1System Installation Guide to install this operating system. Supplementalinstallation instructions are found in the following sections. The UnixWare7.1.1Installation Guide includes an installation checklist to assist you ininstalling or upgrading to UnixWare 7.1.1.