SSA Scripting 73 In Configure mode, SSA accepts only the ID number of the next possible logical drive. In Reconfigure mode, SSA also accepts the ID number of any existing logical drive.Caching logical drives and cached data drives must be on the same Array Controller.CachedLogicalDriveThe value that you enter for this option specifies the data logical drive ID number to associate with theCaching logical drive.In Configure mode, SSA accepts the ID number of any existing logical drive.Caching logical drives and cached data drives must be on the same Array Controller.NumberOfParityGroupsWhen you create a RAID 50 or RAID 60 configuration, you must also set the number of parity groups.You can use any integer value greater than 1 for this setting, with the restriction that the total number ofphysical drives in the array must be exactly divisible by the number of parity groups.The maximum number of parity groups possible for a particular number of physical drives is the total numberof drives divided by the minimum number of drives necessary for that RAID level (three for RAID 50, four forRAID 60).RAIDThe value that you enter for this option specifies the RAID level of the logical drive. When the Action mode is Configure, SSA automatically selects the highest RAID level that the controllerand drive configuration can support except RAID 50 or RAID 60. To specify RAID 50 or 60 for acontroller that supports either of these RAID levels, use the Custom setting. In this case, you must alsospecify the number of parity groups ("NumberOfParityGroups"). When the Action mode is Reconfigure, the default value is the existing RAID level for that logical drive. Ifyou specify a different RAID setting, then SSA either ignores the new setting, or attempts to migrate thelogical drive to the specified RAID level (when Method mode is Custom).SSA supports the following values for RAID levels: 60—RAID 60 50—RAID 50 ADG—RAID ADG is the equivalent of RAID 6 6—RAID 6 5—RAID 5 10ADM—RAID 1 with 3-way mirroring 10—RAID 10 (mirroring with 2 disks) 1ADM—RAID 1 with 3-way mirroring 1—RAID 1 (mirroring with 2 disks) 0—RAID 0RenumberThis option renumbers the logical drive to N.Typically used after a Join command, this option ensures the proper logical volume numbering is set, forexample, the boot volume is ID 1.