4. Names and Functions of PartsExpress5800/E120d-M User's Guide32Chapter 1 General Description4.2 Rear View(1) Power unitThe power unit supplies DC power to the server.(2) AC InletThis socket is used to connect the power cord.(3) AC POWER LEDThe LED indicates power supply status.(4.6.6 )(4) Slot for low-profile PCI cardSlot to install a low-profile PCI card.(5) LINK/ACT LEDThe LED indicates the access status of LAN.( 4.6.5 )(6) LAN connectors1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX/10BASE-T supportednetwork connectors(6)-1: LAN port connector 1(6)-2: LAN port connector 2If Shared BMC LAN feature is enabled in ROMUtility, LAN connector 1 can also be used as themanagement LAN port. However, sharing port is notrecommended from the point of performance andsecurity, because LAN port 1 may receive both data.(7) SPEED LEDThe LED indicates the transfer speed of LAN ports. (4.6.5 )(8) Management LAN connectorLAN connector which supports 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T.This port cannot be used as a data transmission port.This port is used for connecting to EXPRESSSCOPEEngine 3.(9) Serial port (COM) connectorThis connector is used to connect devices that support aserial interface. Note that it is not possible to directly connectto a leased line.(10) UID (Unit ID) Switch/LEDThe switch to turn on and off UID LED.Pressing the switch once turns on UID LED and pressingagain turns off the LED.Commands from the software also cause it to turn on orflash.( 4.6.3 )(11) POWER LEDThis LED indicates power supply status.( 4.6.1 )(12) Blank cover (for LAN riser card)Remove this cover to install an optional LAN riser card.(1)(2) (3)(4)(6)-1(6)-2(5)(5)(7)(7)(8) (7)(5)(9) (10) (11)(12)