(21/38)WW: weekdays'0'-'0'(30h, 30h): Sunday'0'-'1'(30h, 31h): Monday'0'-'2'(30h, 32h): Tuesday'0'-'3'(30h, 33h): Wednesday'0'-'4'(30h, 34h): Thursday'0'-'5'(30h, 35h): Friday'0'-'6'(30h, 36h): SaturdayHH: Hours'0'-'0'(30h, 30h): 0|'1'-'7'(31h, 37h): 23 (=17h)MN: Minutes'0'-'0'(30h, 30h): 0|'3'-'B' (33h, 42h): 59 (=3Bh)DS: Daylight saving (Summer time)'0'-'0'(30h, 30h): NO'0'-'1'(30hm 31h): YESETX (03h): End of MessageCheck codeBCC: Block Check CodeRefer to the section 4.5 “Check code” for a BCC calculation.DelimiterCR (0Dh): End of packet9.2 Date & Time WriteThis command is used in order to write the setting of the Date & Time.1) The controller requests the monitor to write Date & Time.Header Message Check code DelimiterSOH-'0'-'A'-'0'-'A'-'1'-'2' STX-'C'-'2'-'1'-'2'-YY-MM-DD-WW-HH-MN-DS-ETX BCC CRHeaderSOH (01h): Start Of Header'0' (30h): Reserved'A' (41h): Monitor IDLCD3210 must be ASCII 'A' (41h).'0' (30h): Message sender is the controller'A' (41h): Message type is "Command"'1'-'2'(31h, 32h): Message length.MessageSTX (02h): Start of Message'C'-'2'-'1'-'2' (43h, 32h, 31h, 32h): Date & Time write command'YY'-'MM'-'DD'-'WW'-'HH'-'MN'-'DS': Date & Time dataYY: Year (offset 2000)'0'-'0'(30h, 30h): 2000|'6'-'3'(36h, 33h): 2099 (99 = 63h)MM: Month'0'-'1'(30h, 31h): January|'0'-'C'(30h, 43h): DecemberDD: Day'0'-'1'(30h, 31h): 1|'1'-'E'(31h, 45h): 30(=1Eh)