(8/38)Ex) The byte data 02h must be encoded to ASCII '0' and '2' (30h and 32h).Refer to the Operation code table.4 th -5 th bytes) OP code: Operation codeThis OP code data must be encoded to ASCII characters.OP code 1Ah -> OP code (Hi) = ASCII '1' (31h)OP code (Lo) = ASCII 'A' (41h)Refer to the Operation code table.6 th -9 th bytes) Set value: (16bit)This data must be encoded to ASCII characters.Ex.) 0123h -> 1 st (MSB) = ASCII '0' (30h)2 nd = ASCII '1' (31h)3 rd = ASCII '2' (32h)4 th (LSB) = ASCII '3' (33h)10 th byte) ETX: End of MessageASCII ETX (03h)5.4 "Set parameter" replyThe Monitor echoes back the parameter and status of the requested operation code.1 st byte) STX: Start of MessageASCII STX (02h)2 nd -3 rd bytes) Result codeASCII '0''0' (30h, 30h): No ErrorASCII '0''1' (30h, 31h): Unsupported operation with this monitor or unsupported operation undercurrent condition.4 th -5 th bytes) OP code page: Echoes back the Operation code page for confirmation.Reply data from the monitor is encoded to ASCII characters.Ex.) OP code page 02h -> OP code page = ASCII '0' and '2' (30h and 32h)Refer to Operation code table.6 th -7 th bytes) OP code: Echoes back the Operation code for confirmation.Reply data from the monitor is encoded to ASCII characters.Ex.) OP code 1Ah -> OP code (Hi) = ASCII '1' (31h)OP code (Lo) = ASCII 'A' (41h)Refer to Operation code table8 th -9 th bytes) Type: Operation type codeASCII '0''0' (30h, 30h): Set parameterResult OP code page OP code Type Max value Requested settingValueSTXHi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo MSB LSB MSB LSBETX1 st 2 nd -3 rd 4 th -5 th 6 th -7 th 8 th -9 th 10 th -13 th 14 th -17 th 18 th