Setting Up a Healthy Work Environment A-13CHECKING YOUR COMFORT:HOW DO YOU MEASURE UP?Use this checklist to see if you are setting up your workenvironment to fit your physical needs.Checking Your Chair Do you sit in an upright position with the backrestsupporting your lower back? When sitting, are your feet flat on the floor? Do you periodically adjust your chair and your posture?Checking Your Keyboard Is your keyboard angled so your wrists are straight whenyou type? Is your keyboard directly in front of you? Do you avoid resting your wrists on sharp edges? Do you press the keys gently and not bang on them?Checking Your Mouse Is your mouse at the same height as the keyboard andnext to the keyboard? Are your wrists straight and your touch light whenmoving the mouse?Checking Your Monitor Did you adjust your monitor so that the top of the screenis at or slightly below eye level? Do you periodically rest your eyes by blinking often orlooking away from the screen? Is your monitor no closer than 12 inches and no furtheraway than 28 inches from your eyes? Do you use a document holder placed close to the screen?