See Chapter 3, "Using System Utilities," for additional information on using the SCU,recovering the BIOS, and updating the BIOS.Feature DescriptionError detection During initialization, system emits beep codes (before videoinitialization) and displays messages to identify problem.Critical event logging Provides information for applications and drivers, such as POSTerror codes, date/time area was last erased, and identification offailed SIMMs.Security The SCU provides several ways to secure the system.User password enables viewing SCU configuration.Administrator password enables changingconfiguration.Inactivity timer blanks screen and inhibits keyboardand mouse after specified time elapses.Hot-key immediately blanks screen and inhibitskeyboard and mouse.Boot sequence control Offers choice of booting from diskette or hard drive or both in aspecified order.BIOS recovery Allows booting from a diskette if BIOS ROM is corrupted, andautomatically reinstalls BIOS.BIOS update Flash Memory Update (FMUP) utility updates BIOS with a newversion from diskette.Language update Flash Language Update (FLUP) utility installs versions of theBIOS and SCU in languages other than English.Custom logo Enables creating and displaying a custom logo when SCU isexecuted from diskette.