Issue 6.0 NEC SL11005 - 20 ProgrammingDescriptionUse Program 10-63 : DHCP Client Setting to enable or disable the SL1100 toreceive its IP Addressing information from a DHCP server.Conditions This feature can not be enabled if Program 10-13-01 (DHCP Server) is enabled.Feature Cross Reference NoneProgram 10 : System Configuration Setup10-63 : DHCP Client SettingLevel:INInput DataItemNo. Item Input Data Default Description01 DHCP Client Mode 0 = Disable1 = Enable1 If you are using IP Phones/IPtrunks it is recommended to notuse the DHCP Client function, astatic IP address is preferred. Ifyou are going to still use DHCP,the DHCP server should be set upso that the same IP address isalways provided to the SL1100.If this program is changed asystem reset is required.