Caring for BatteriesStandby and talk timesYour phone works closely with the network you are using to provide the services you need, and the standby and talk times achieved will depend on howyou use the phone and choices made by the network operator.In particular, factors such as your location within the network, the frequency at which this location is updated, the type of SIM card you have, yourreception of area or Cell broadcast messages and the use of Full Rate or Enhanced Full Rate speech, will affect both standby and talk times., IMPORTANT BATTERY CHARGING INFORMATIONCharging a very low batteryThe battery’s charge continues to drop after the warning is displayed. In extreme cases where the battery is leftuncharged for some considerable time after this warning is displayed, a trickle charge is used to slowly top-up the battery to the safe level at whichthe fast charging can begin. The phone can be in trickle charge for a few minutes before the fast charging starts., DO NOT connect a charger or any other external DC source if the phone’s battery is not inserted.Checking the battery☛ Check icon at the left of status icon area.The block on the display shows the charge of your battery pack.Full battery power Partial battery power Low battery power Battery emptyLow battery alarmWhen the battery voltage falls below the working level, is displayed on screen accompanied by a short tone along with anempty battery icon. The phone will automatically power down shortly afterwards.