1. Do nothing and have Voice Mail auto-matically record your caller's message.ORLift the handset to listen to the messagein private.ORPress flashing to intercept the call.ORPress idle or for a new call.Transferring Calls to a Mailbox1.2. (Voice Mail).ORDial Voice Mail master number.3. Number of mailbox to receive Transfer.This number can be your mailbox num-ber or a co-worker's mailbox number.4. to hang up.Recording Your Call1. (Voice Mail Record).You hear two beeps and your Recordkey flashes. The beeps periodicallyremind you that you are recording.To record your activecall in your mailbox:To Transfer youractive call to amailbox:When PersonalAnswering MachineEmulation broadcastsyour caller's voice,you can:Voice Mail128