NXP Semiconductors UM12012FRDM-MCXA153 Board User Manual2 Functional descriptionThis section contains the following subsections:• Section 2.1 "Power supplies"• Section 2.2 "Clocks"• Section 2.3 "USB interface"• Section 2.4 "LPUART interface"• Section 2.5 "LPSPI interface"• Section 2.6 "LPI2C interface"• Section 2.7 "I3C sensor"• Section 2.8 "Pmod connector"• Section 2.9 "mikroBUS socket"• Section 2.10 "Arduino socket"2.1 Power suppliesThe FRDM-MCXA153 board is powered up using the following primary power supplies:• External 5 V power through USB Type-C connector J8• External 5 V power through USB Type-C connector J15• 5-9 V power from Arduino socket connector J3, pin 16The primary power supplies are used to produce secondary power supplies for the board to power up otherboard components, including the MCXA1xx MCU, MCU-Link, I3C sensor, push buttons, and LEDs.Table 7 describes the FRDM-MCXA153 board power supplies.Power source Manufacturer and partnumberPowersupplyDescriptionExternal supplythrough USB Type-Cconnector J8P5V_USB_FS(5 V)One of the three power source options for SYS_5V0supplyExternal supplythrough USB Type-Cconnector J15P5V_MCU_LINK_USB (5V)• Second power source option for SYS_5V0 supply• Provides USB1_VBUS power to the LPC55S69 MCU(MCU-Link)Arduino socketconnector J3, pin 16P5-9V_VIN(5-9 V)Supplies power to 5 V DC voltage regulator J22 (notpopulated)Voltage regulator J22(DNP)P5V_HDR_IN(5 V)Third power source option for SYS_5V0 supplyFrom P5V_USB_FS /P5V_MCU_LINK_USB / P5V_HDR_INsupplyNote: By default,the option to produceSYS_5V0 supplyfrom P5V_HDR_INsupply is disabled.SYS_5V0 (5V)Supplies power to:• LDO voltage regulator U2• mikroBUS socket connector J5• Arduino socket connector J3LDO voltageregulator U2Torex SemiconductorXC6227C331PR-GLDO_3V3 (3.3V)• Produces MCU_VDD_P3V3 supply through either 2.7 Ωresistor R2 or jumper JP3 (not populated)Table 7. FRDM-MCXA153 power suppliesUM12012 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © 2024 NXP B.V. All rights reserved.User manual Rev. 1 — 25 January 202410 / 29