NXP Semiconductors UM12012FRDM-MCXA153 Board User ManualPin number Signal name3 P1_0/LPSPI0_SDO-PMOD4 P3_1/GPIO-PMOD5 P1_2/LPSPI0_SDI-PMOD6 P3_27/LPI2C0_SCL-PMOD7 P1_1/LPSPI0_SCK-PMOD8 P3_28/LPI2C0_SDA-PMOD11, 12 VDD_BOARD9, 10 GNDTable 14. Pmod connector pinout...continued2.9 mikroBUS socketA mikroBUS socket is a pair of 1x8 position receptacles (connectors) with a proprietary pin configuration andsilkscreen markings. It allows maximum hardware expandability with the least number of pins.The FRDM-MCXA153 board has a mikroBUS socket with two 1x8 position receptacles, J5 and J6. Figure 11shows the pinouts of the mikroBUS socket connectors.J5 J6mikroBUSP3_30/ADC0_A13-MIKROE_ANP3_1/GPIO-MIKROEVDD_BOARDP1_0/LPSPI0_SDO-MIKROEP1_2/LPSPI0_SDI-MIKROEP1_1/LPSPI0_SCK-MIKROEP1_3/LPSPI0_PCS-MIKROEGNDGND+3V3MOSIMISOSCKCSRSTANGND+5VSDASCLTXRXINTPWMGNDSYS_5V0P3_28/LPI2C0_SDA-MIKROEP3_27/LPI2C0_SCL-MIKROEP3_15/LPUART2_TXD-MIKROEP3_14/LPUART2_RXD-MIKROEP2_5/GPIO-MIKROEP3_12/PWM0_X0-MIKROEFigure 11. mikroBUS socket connector pinoutsThe FRDM-MCXA153 mikroBUS socket supports different types of add-on boards, called click boards, whichare plug-and-play solutions to add new functionality to the board design. A click board has a pair of 1x8 pinheaders that connect to the two receptacles of a mikroBUS socket.MikroElektronika (MIKROE) is one of the manufacturers of click boards. You can find details of some exampleclick boards for the FRDM-MCXA153 mikroBUS socket at MIKROE website.2.10 Arduino socketThe FRDM-MCXA153 board has an Arduino socket with the following four connectors:• J1: 2x8-position receptacle• J2: 2x10-position receptacle• J3: 2x8-position receptacle• J4: 2x6-position receptacleUM12012 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © 2024 NXP B.V. All rights reserved.User manual Rev. 1 — 25 January 202417 / 29