18WS-415-091 / 06.26.00VERTICAL VENTING INSTALLATION1. Fasten the roof sup-port to the roof using thescrews provided. Theroof support is optional.In this case the ventingis to be adequately sup-ported using either analternate method suit-able to the authority hav-ing jurisdiction or the optional roof support.2. Stretch the 4" diameter aluminium flexible liner to therequired length. Slip the liner a minimum of 2" over theinner sleeve of the air terminal and secure with 3 #8 screws.Seal using a heavy bead of the high temperature sealant.3. Repeat using 7" diameter aluminium flexible liner.4. Thread the air terminalpipe assembly down throughthe roof. The air terminal mustbe located vertically and plumb.Attach the air terminal assem-bly to the roof support, ensur-ing that a minimum 16" of airterminal will penetrate the roofwhen fastened.DO NOT CLAMP THE FLEX-IBLE ALUMINIUM LINER.5. Remove nails from the shingles, above and to thesides of the chimney. Place the flashing over the air termi-nal and slide it underneath the sides and upper edge ofthe shingles. Ensure that the air terminal is properly cen-tred within the flashing, giving a 3/4" margin all around.Fasten to the roof. Do not nail through the lower portion ofthe flashing. Make weather-tight by sealing with caulking.Where possible, cover the sides and top edges of the flash-ing with roofing material.6. Apply a heavy bead of weatherproof caulking 2 inchesabove the flashing. Slide the storm collar around the airterminal and down to the caulking. Tighten to ensure that aweather-tight seal between the air terminal and the collaris achieved. Attach the other storm collar centred betweenthe air intake and the air exhaust slots onto the air termi-nal. Tighten securely. FIGURE 33. Attach the vertical raincap.Spacers are attached to the 4" inner flex liner at prede-termined intervals to maintain a 1-1/4" air gap to the 7"outer liner. These spacers must not be removed.7. If more liner needs to be used to reach the fireplace,couple them together as illustrated in FIGURE 30. The ventsystem must be supported approximately every 3 feet forboth vertical and horizontal runs. Use noncombustible strap-ping to maintain a clearance to combustibles of 2".FIREPLACE VENT CONNECTION1. Slide the insulation sleeve over the 7" diameter alu-minium flex liner. The insulation sleeve is only required forthe first 24" off the fireplace or from the fireplace to the firstfirestop spacer (whichever distance is less) and needs onlya 1" clearance.2. Install the 4 inch diameter aluminium flexible liner tothe fireplace. Secure with 3 screws. Seal the joint and screwholes using the high temperature sealant provided.3. Install the 7 inch diameter aluminium flexible liner tothe fireplace. Attach and seal the joints. Pull the insulationsleeve tight to the top of the fireplace.Read Page 22 for information on opening the door priorto proceeding to prevent damage to the unit. Proceedonce the vent installation is complete.FIGURE 33FIGURE 32FIGURE 34FIGURE 31