19WS-415-091 / 06.26.00VERTICAL VENTING INSTALLATION1. Move the fireplace into position.2. Fasten the roof support to the roof using the screwsprovided. FIGURE 31. The roof support is optional. In thiscase the venting is to be adequately supported using ei-ther an alternate method suitable to the authority havingjurisdiction or the optional roof support.3. Apply high temperature sealant to the outer edge of theinner sleeve of the air terminal. Slip a 4" diameter coupler aminimum of 2" over the sleeve and secure using 3 screws.4. Apply high temperature seal-ant to the outer edge of the of theoutside sleeve of the air terminal.Slip a 7" diameter coupler over thesleeve and secure as before. Trimthe 7" coupler even with the 4" cou-pler end. FIGURE 35.5. Thread the air terminal pipeassembly down through the roofsupport and attach, ensuring thata minimum 16" of air terminal willpenetrate the roof when fas-tened. FIGURE 33.If the attic space is tight, we recommend threading the WolfSteel vent pipe collar or equivalent loosely onto the air termi-nal assembly as it is passed through the attic. FIGURE 28.The air terminal must be located vertically and plumb.6. Remove nails from the shingles, above and to thesides of the chimney. Place the flashing over the air termi-nal and slide it underneath the sides and upper edge ofthe shingles. Ensure that the air terminal is properly cen-tred within the flashing, giving a 3/4" margin all around.Fasten to the roof. Do NOT nail through the lower portion ofthe flashing. Make weather-tight by sealing with caulking.Where possible, cover the sides and top edges of the flash-ing with roofing material.7. Apply a heavy bead of waterproof caulking 2 inchesabove the flashing. Slide the storm collar around the airterminal and down to the caulking. Tighten to ensure that aweather-tight seal between the air terminal and the collaris achieved. Attach the other storm collar centred betweenthe air intake and air exhaust slots onto the air terminal.Tighten securely. Attach the rain cap.8. Continue adding rigid venting sections, sealing andsecuring as above. Attach a 4" collapsed telescopic pipeto the last section of rigid piping. Secure with screws andseal. Repeat using a 7" telescopic pipe.9. Run a bead of high temperature sealant around theoutside of the 4" elbow. Pull the adjustable pipe a mini-mum 2" onto the elbow. Secure with 3 screws. Repeat withthe 7" telescopic pipe.10. In the attic, slide the vent pipe collar down to cover upthe open end of the shield and tighten. This will preventany materials, such as insulation, from filling up the 1" airspace around the pipe.For safe and proper operation of the fireplace, followthe venting instructions exactly.Horizontal runs may have a zero inch rise per foot usingSimpson Dura-Vent or Napoleon rigid venting compo-nents.The vent system must be supported approximately every 3feet for both vertical and horizontal runs. Use Napoleonvent spacers WS-615-33 or equivalent every 3 feet andeither side of each elbow to maintain the minimum 1¼"clearance between the outer and inner vent pipes. Usenoncombustible strapping to maintain the minimum 2"clearance to combustibles for both vertical and horizontalruns.FIREPLACE VENT CONNECTION1. Apply high temperature sealant to the outer edge ofthe 4" inner collar of the fireplace. Attach the first ventcomponent and secure using 3 self tapping screws. Re-peat using 7" piping.2. Slide the insulation sleeve over the 7" pipe. The insu-lation sleeve is only required for the first 2 feet off the fire-place or from the fireplace to the first firestop spacer (which-ever distance is less) and needs only a 1" clearance. Fig-ure 34.Ensure that the insulation sleeve is pulled tight to thefireplace after all vent components are installed.HORIZONTAL AIR TERMINAL INSTALLATION1. Move the fireplace into position. Measure the vent lengthrequired between terminal and fireplace taking into ac-count the additional length needed for the finished wallsurface and any 1¼" overlaps between venting compo-nents.2. Holding the air terminal (lettering in an upright, read-able position), insert into both vent pipes with a twistingmotion to ensure that both the terminal sleeves engageinto the vent pipes and the sealant. Secure the terminal tothe exterior wall and make weather tight by sealing withcaulking (not supplied). Figure 29.The air terminal mounting plate may be recessed intothe exterior wall or siding by 1½", the depth of the returnflange.FIGURE 35INSTALLATIONUSING RIGID VENT COMPONENTS