20 | ni.com | Getting Started with NI SMD-7611/7612 and NI 9512 ModulesNote The Monitor button is greyed out if Feedback Source on the Axis Settingspage is set to None.• Enable the Enforce Position Error Limit checkbox.• Set Position Error Limit to a reasonable tolerance for your system, such as 1.5. Click the Drive Enable button ( ) and ensure that the Drive Enable settings match thefollowing:• Output Type—Sourcing• Active State—Off• Safe State—On6. If you connected the Out+/Out- signal, click the Digital I/O button ( ) and completethe following steps to configure the DI 0 signal:a. Double-click the text in the Mapping column and select Drive Fault/Alarm from thedropdown list.b. Ensure that the DI 0 settings match the following:• Input Type—Sinking• Active State—On• Digital Filter—50 μs7. Complete the following additional steps if you do not have limits and home connected atthis time:a. Click the Limits & Home button ( ).b. In the Forward Limit and Reverse Limit sections ensure that the settings match thefollowing:Note These configuration settings disable limits for initial setup and testingpurposes. National Instruments recommends connecting and enabling limits in yourfinal application.• Clear the Enable checkbox from both Forward Limit and Reverse Limit.• Set the Active State for both Forward Limit and Reverse Limit to Off. Thisprevents a limit warning even though limits are turned off.c. Open the Home section and clear the Enable checkbox.8. Configure any additional I/O settings according to your system requirements, such asposition compare or position capture signals.9. Click OK to close the Axis Configuration dialog box.10. Right-click the controller item in the Project Explorer window and select Deploy All todeploy the axis information.11. Select File»Save Project to save the project.