Chapter 2 Installation and ConfigurationNI PXIe-8130 User Manual 2-14 ni.comPXI Express Setup MenuUse this menu to display configuration information for features of the PXIExpress embedded controller and backplane.• Chassis Link Configuration—This setting displays the PXI Expresslink configuration, either 2-Link or 4-Link. If 2-Link is displayed, thePXIe-8130 detected a 2-link PXI Express backplane and is operatingwith two x8 PCI Express links. If 4-link is displayed, the PXIe-8130detected a 4-link PXI Express backplane and is operating with four x4PCI Express links.LabVIEW RT Options Setup MenuUse this menu to configure boot options for LabVIEW RT if it is installedon the controller. If you are not using LabVIEW RT, you should leave thesesettings at default.Note The settings below override the behavior of the switches on S1. Refer to LabVIEWRT Configuration Switches section for more information. To use the settings from theswitches, select Use Switch Setting for each option.• Boot Configuration—This setting selects whether the controllershould boot LabVIEW RT, LabVIEW RT Safe Mode, or an installedOS such as Windows XP. The default is Use Switch Setting.Note Booting LabVIEW RT requires that your NI PXIe-8130 controller has an IDE(PATA) hard drive. Such a controller may be ordered from National Instruments with thepart number 780032-33.• Reset IP Address—If the controller is deployed to a different subnetfrom which it was originally configured, or if the current IP address isinvalid, use this switch to reset the IP address to duringLabVIEW RT startup. The default is Use Switch Setting.• Disable Startup VI—If the controller becomes inaccessible becauseof a startup VI, this switch can prevent VIs from automatically runningat startup. The default is Use Switch Setting.Security Setup MenuUse this menu to enable BIOS security options.• Change Supervisor Password—This setting specifies a passwordthat must be entered to access the BIOS Setup Utility. By default,no password is specified.