NEOX User manual - Edition 03-2016 21general summary of What is laid out in the highWay code and the di-rectives in the event of unlocking the speed limiter.Highway Code. - For the user.Anyone who uses an electric bike on the public highway which has been sold pursuantto art. 50 (pedal assisted cycles) but in fact is a moped (e-bike without a limiter set at25 km/h) is subject to fines.FinesArt. 97, paragraphs7. Anyone circulating with a moped which does not have a valid vehicle registrationcertificate, where required, is subject to an administrative fine for the sum of between€154 and €616.8. Anyone circulating with a moped which does not have a license plate is subject to anadministrative fine for the sum of between €76 and €30814. Violations under paragraphs 5 and 7 enforces the application of the accessory ad-ministrative sanction of confiscation of the moped, in accordance with the rules laiddown in Chapter I, Section II of Title VI; in the cases provided for in paragraph 5 themoped shall be destroyed...product directive With regard to the consumer codeFor the manufacturer - Anyone producing pedal assisted cycles who does not meet therequirements for this kind of vehicle shall be subject to penalties.Fines - Fines for failure to apply the requirements of the directive, the Consumer Codewith respect to commercial fraud.Art. 515. Fraudulent trading.Anyone who, in the exercise of a commercial activity, delivers one movable item foranother, or a movable item [Civil Code 812; c.p. 624], with origin, source, quality orquantity different from that stated or agreed, shall be punished, if the offence does notconstitute a more serious crime, with imprisonment of up to two years or a fine of upto €2,065.highWay codeFor the user - Anyone who tampers with and uses a vehicle that was originally a bicycle(art. 50) and after which becomes a moped is subject to penalties.Fines - See Art. 97, paragraphs 7 and 8 of the highway codeneoX speed limitYour e-bike has a device fitted to limit the maximum travelling speed.It ensures that the maximum assisted speed (eco-standard-high) is kept below 25km/has per the European Directives in force. The user can exceed this limit but there will beNO electric assistance from your Neox e-bike.