Solving Common Replication Conflicts324 Netscape Directory Server Administrator’s Guide • May 2002Solving Common Replication ConflictsMulti-master replication uses a loose consistency replication model. This meansthat the same entries can be changed on different servers. When replication occursbetween the two servers, the conflicting changes need to be resolved. Mostly,resolution occurs automatically, based on the timestamp associated with thechange on each server. The most recent change takes precedence.However, there are some cases where change conflicts require manual interventionin order to reach a resolution. Entries that have a change conflict that cannot beresolved automatically by the replication process, contain a conflict markerattribute nsds5ReplConflict. The nsdsReplConflict attribute is an operationalattribute which makes it simple to search for entries that contain this attribute.For example, you could use the following ldapsearch command:Table 8-3 Directory Server Console - Replication StatusTable Header DescriptionAgreement Contains the name you provided when you set up thereplication agreement.Replica suffix Contains the suffix that is replicatedSupplier Specifies the supplier server in the agreement.Consumer Specifies the consumer server in the agreement.Number of changes Indicates the number of changes sent to this replica since theserver started.Last replica update began Indicates when the most recent replication update started.Last replica update ended Indicates when the most recent replication update ended.Last update message Provides the status for the most recent replication updates.Consumer initialization Provides current status on consumer initialization (in progressor not).Last consumer initialization updatemessageProvides status on the last initialization of the consumer.Last consumer initialization began States when the initialization of the consumer replica started.Last consumer initialization ended States when the initialization of the consumer replica ended.