Monitoring Database Activity406 Netscape Directory Server Administrator’s Guide • May 2002Database Cache Information TableThe Database Cache Information table provides caching information listed inTable 12-6.Entry cache hits Indicates the total number of successful entry cache lookups. That is, the totalnumber of times the server could process a search request by obtaining data fromthe cache rather than by going to disk.Entry cache tries Indicates the total number of entry cache lookups since the directory was laststarted. That is, the total number of search operations performed against yourserver since server startup.Entry cache hit ratio Ratio that indicates the number of entry cache tries to successful entry cachelookups. This number is based on the total lookups and hits since the directorywas last started. The closer this value is to 100% the better. Whenever a searchoperation attempts to find an entry that is not present in the entry cache, thedirectory has to perform a disk access to obtain the entry. Thus, as this ratio dropstowards zero, the number of disk accesses increases and directory searchperformance drops.To improve this ratio, you can increase the number of entries that the directorymaintains in the entry cache by increasing the value of the “Maximum Entries inCache” attribute. See “Tuning Database Performance,” on page 424 forinformation on changing this value using the Server Console.Current entry cachesize (in bytes)Indicates the total size of directory entries currently present in the entry cache.Maximum entry cachesize (in bytes)Indicates the size of the entry cache maintained by the directory. This value ismanaged by the “Maximum Cache Size” attribute. See “Tuning DatabasePerformance,” on page 424 for information on changing this value using theServer Console.Current entry cachesize (in entries)Indicates the total number of directory entries currently present in the entrycache.Maximum entry cachesize (in entries)Indicates the maximum number of directory entries that can be maintained in theentry cache. This value is managed by the “Maximum Entries in Cache” attribute.See “Tuning Database Performance,” on page 424 for information on changingthis value using the Server Console.Table 12-5 Database Performance Monitoring - Summary Information (Continued)Performance Metric Current Total