Preparing Silent Installation FilesChapter 4 Silent Installation 43Creating Silent Installation FilesThe best way to create a file for use with silent installation is to use the setupprogram to interactively create a server instance of the type that you want toduplicate.To do this, run setup with the -k flag. The setup program will create the followingfile:/usr/netscape/servers/setup/install.infThis file contains all the directives that you would use with silent installation tocreate the server instance. You can then use this file to create other server instancesof that type.You will have to make some modifications to this file before you use it. Specifically,ensure that you:• Set the FullMachineName directive to a value that is appropriate for themachine on which Directory Server will be installed, if it’s not to be the localmachine. In most circumstances, it is best not to use this directive becauseFullMachineName will then default to the local host name. However, if you usecustom installation to generate your initial server instance, then this directivewill appear in the install.inf file.• Set the ServerIpAddress directive appropriate for the local machine. Thesame usage rules apply for ServerIpAddress as for FullMachineName.Specifically, try to not include ServerIpAddress in your install.inf fileunless you absolutely have to (as may be necessary for multi-homed systems).• Verify the installation path on the ServerRoot directive. Also, ensure that thename of the file-system directory where you install files does not contain anyspace characters.• If you are installing more than one Directory Server on the same host, makesure the ServerIdentifier directive contains a unique value for each serverinstance.• The SuiteSpotUserID and SuitespotGroup directives determine what userand group a server will run under when installed on a UNIX system.NOTE Any distinguished names (DNs) in the files must be in the UTF-8 characterset encoding.