Configuring Policy Rules for a SubsystemChapter 11 Policies 493When you add a policy rule, the CMS configuration gets updated withpolicy-specific information. Keep the following points in mind:• When naming a policy instance (or rule), be sure to formulate the name usingany combination of letters (aA to zZ), digits (0 to 9), an underscore (_), and ahyphen (-); other characters and spaces are not allowed. For example, you cantype My_Policy_Rule or MyPolicyRule as the instance name, but not MyPolicy Rule.• The status of the rule, enabled or disabled, depends on whether you check ordeselect the enable parameter. A subsystem subjects certificate requests onlyto rules that are enabled.• The server does not automatically reorder rules. Be sure to change the order ofthe rule, if required.To add a new policy rule to the CMS configuration:1. In the Policy Rules Management tab, click Add.The Select Policy Plugin Implementation window appears. It lists registeredpolicy plug-in modules. If you have registered any custom policy modules (see“Registering a Policy Module” on page 564), they too will be listed here.2. Select a plug-in module.3. Click Next.The Policy Rule Editor window appears, listing the configuration information.4. Enter the appropriate information.5. Click OK.You are returned to the Policy Rules Management tab.6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 and create additional rules, if required.Reordering Policy RulesFor maintaining priority levels, CMS supports a linear list of policy rules inincreasing order of priority. This means that for a given policy category in theconfiguration file, a policy configuration with a lower priority precedes one with ahigher priority. This simple linear listing avoids the need to have explicit locking