Extension-Specific Policy Module ReferenceChapter 11 Policies 531IssuerAltNameExtThe IssuerAltNameExt plug-in module enables you to add the Issuer AlternativeName Extension defined in X.509 and PKIX standard RFC 2459 (seehttp://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2459.txt) to certificates. This extension enablesbinding of or associating Internet style identities—such as Internet electronic mailaddress, a DNS name, an IP address, and a uniform resource indicator (URI)—with the certificate issuer.For general information about this extension, see “issuerAltName” on page 728.attribute..valueSpecifies the data value for attribute n, where n is an identifier assigned to identifyparameters pertaining to a specific attribute. The value of n can be 0 to 9.Permissible values: Depends on the data type and source you selected.• If the data type is Integer, enter an integer in decimal notation as value. Forexample, 1234567890.• If the data type is IA5String, enter a normal string as value. For example, Testof IA5String.• If the data type is OctetString and if the data source is Value, enter the valuein colon-separated ASCII hexadecimal encoding notation. For example,11:22:33:44:A0:B0:C0:D0:E0:F0.If data source is File, enter the complete file path, including the filename, in thespecified format; for example, /usr/customExt/octet_string_value.txt.When specifying file path in a Windows NT system do not use the NT native fileseparator, the backward slash (\). Use Unix style file separator, the forward slash(/), instead.• If the data type is PrintableString, enter a normal string as value. Forexample, This_is_a_printable_string.• If the data type is UTCTime, enter a date in mm/dd/yy format. For example, April5, 2000 would be 4/5/00 and October 10, 2001 would be 10/10/01.• If the data type is OID, enter a valid OID. For example,• If the data type is Boolean, enter true or false as value. For example, true.Table 11-24 GenericASN1Ext Configuration Parameters (Continued)Parameter Description