62Symptom Possible Cause SolutionThe covering area of thenib does not meet therequirement or the nib istoo small.Change the nib or use apen with larger coveringarea.The infrared tube isblocked.Check if infrared tubesare blocked.Strong light or infraredinterference exists.Remove the interferencesource or change theusing environment.The handwritingcannot be displayed.The color of the pen isthe same as or similar tothe background color.Change the color of thepen.You hand or otherobjects are on thedisplay when you arewriting.You are advised to usethe pen rather than afinger to write. Hold thepen as far to the nibas possible. The anglebetween the pen anddisplay needs to begreater than 60 degrees.Do not touch the displaywith your sleeve or wrist.Strong light or infraredinterferenceRemove the interferencesource or change theusing environment.The writing method isincorrect.You are advised to usethe pen rather than afinger to write. Hold thepen as far to the nibas possible. The anglebetween the pen anddisplay needs to begreater than 60 degrees.Do not touch the displaywith your sleeve or wrist.