94 Functions and operations4.1 Power ON/OFFPress the power switch when the power is OFF to turn the power ON.When the power is turned ON, the model is indicated, followed by internal oscillation emission orexternal synchronous emission.Operation D isplayWhen the power isOFFPress the powerswitchThe indication of internal oscillationemission is indicated and emissionstarts.Internal oscillation emissionwhen the power was last OFFExternal synchronous emissionwhen the power was last OFF The indication of external synchronousemission is indicated and the unitenters the standby mode for theexternal signal.* When DT-365 is used, the indication may go off immediately after the power is turned ON. In that case,charge the unit because the remaining battery level is low. For details about charging, refer to 2.3Charging.Press the power switch when the power is ON to turn the power OFF, then the indication goes off.Operation D isplayWhen the power is ONPress the powerswitchIndicated l etter s g o of f .* When the power is turned ON, the following indication may be displayed.The following is the error message showing EEPROM read failure. Press the x2 key to return to the normalemission screen from the error message display.Operation D isplayPress the x2 key R etur ns to the nor malsetting scr eenEr r or disp l ayEEPR O M r ead f ail ur e