18 Unidrive M200/201 Control Quick Start GuideIssue Number: 46 Basic parameters (Menu 0)Menu 0 is used to bring together various commonly used parameters for basic easy set up of thedrive.6.1 Menu 0: Basic parametersParameter Range () Default () TypeOL RFC-A OL RFC-A01 Minimum Speed 0.00 to Pr 02 Hz 0.00 Hz RW Num US02 Maximum Speed 0.00 to 550.00 Hz Def.50: 50.00 HzDef.60: 60.00 Hz RW Num US03 Acceleration Rate 1 0.0 to 32000.0 s/100 Hz 5.0 s/100 Hz RW Num US04 Deceleration Rate 1 0.0 to 32000.0 s/100 Hz 10.0 s/100 Hz RW Num US05 Drive ConfigurationAV (0), AI (1), AV.Pr (2), AI.Pr (3),PrESEt (4), PAd (5), PAd.rEF (6),E.Pot (7), torquE (8), Pid (9)AV (0)* RW Txt PT US06 Motor Rated Current 0.00 to Drive Rating A Maximum Heavy DutyRating A RW Num RA US07 Motor Rated Speed** 0.0 to 33000.0 rpmDef.50:1500.0 rpmDef.60:1800.0 rpmDef.50:1450.0 rpmDef.60:1750.0 rpmRW Num US08 Motor Rated Voltage 0 to 765 V200V drive: 230 V400V drive Def.50: 400 V400V drive Def.60: 460 V575 V drive: 575 V690 V drive: 690 VRW Num RA US09 Motor Rated PowerFactor*** 0.00 to 1.00 0.85 RW Num RA US10 User Security Status LEVEL.1 (0), LEVEL.2 (1), ALL (2),StAtUS (3), no.Acc (4) LEVEL.1 (0) RW Num ND PT11 Start/Stop LogicSelect 0 to 6 0 RW Num US15 Jog Reference 0.00 to 300.00 Hz 1.50 Hz RW Num US16 Analog Input 1 Mode4-20.S (-6), 20-4.S (-5),4-20.L (-4), 20-4.L (-3),4-20.H (-2), 20-4.H (-1), 0-20 (0),20-0 (1), 4-20.tr (2), 20-4.tr (3),4-20 (4), 20-4 (5), Volt (6)Volt (6) RW Txt US17 Bipolar ReferenceEnable Off (0) or On (1) Off (0) RW Bit US18 Preset Reference 1 0.00 to Pr 02 Hz 0.00 Hz RW Num US19 Preset Reference 2 0.00 to Pr 02 Hz 0.00 Hz RW Num US20 Preset Reference 3 0.00 to Pr 02 Hz 0.00 Hz RW Num US21 Preset Reference 4 0.00 to Pr 02 Hz 0.00 Hz RW Num US22 Status ModeParameter 2 0.000 to 30.999 4.020 RW Num PT US23 Status ModeParameter 1 0.000 to 30.999 2.001 RW Num PT US24 Customer DefinedScaling 0.000 to 10.000 1.000 RW Num US25 User Security Code 0 to 9999 0 RW Num ND PT US27Power-up KeypadControl ModeReferencerESEt (0), LASt (1), PrESEt (2) rESEt (0) RW Txt US28 Ramp Mode Select Fast (0), Std (1), Std.bst (2),Fst.bst (3) Std (1) RW Txt US29 Ramp Enable Off (0) or On (1) On (1) RW Bit US