SafetyinformationProductinformationMechanicalinstallationElectricalinstallationGettingstartedBasicparametersRunning themotor Optimization NV MediaCardOnboardPLCAdvancedparameters Diagnostics UL Listing8 Unidrive M200 / M201 Control User GuideIssue Number: 21.6.8 Products connected by plug and socketAn electric shock hazard exists if mains-supplied equipment is suppliedvia a plug and socket. When unplugged, the pins of the plug may carry apotentially lethal voltage until the internal capacitors have discharged.This can take up to 10 minutes.It is recommended that a shrouded plug is used that prevents contactwith the pins.1.7 Setting up, commissioning andmaintenance1.7.1 Lifting and handlingSome items of equipment weigh in excess of 15 kg (33 lb). Useappropriate safeguards when lifting these models. A full list of weightscan be found in the installation instructions.1.7.2 Output circuit and motor protectionControl parameters that are related to motor overload and protectionmust be set correctly to avoid a risk of overheating and fire in the eventof motor overload. In some applications motor temperature protectionmay also be required.1.7.3 STOP, Enable and Safe Torque Off functions(where applicable)These functions do not remove dangerous voltages from the equipmentor any external option unit, nor do they isolate the motor from dangerousvoltages.Automatic startSome parameter settings may cause the motor to start unexpectedly.Restore default parameter setDepending on the application, this may cause unpredictable orhazardous operation.1.8 Safety of machinery, safety-criticalapplicationsWithin the European Union all machinery in which this product is usedmust comply with Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.The design of safety-related control systems must only be done bypersonnel with the required training and experience. The Safe TorqueOff function will only ensure the safety of a machine if it is correctlyincorporated into a complete safety system. The system must be subjectto a risk assessment to confirm that the residual risk of an unsafe eventis at an acceptable level for the application.1.9 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)The product is designed to comply with international standards in atypical installation. Installation instructions are provided in the UserGuide. If the installation is poorly designed or other equipment does notcomply with international standards for EMC, the product might cause orsuffer from disturbance due to electromagnetic interaction with otherequipment. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that theequipment or system into which the product is incorporated complieswith the relevant EMC legislation in the country of use.Within the European Union, equipment into which this product isincorporated must comply with the Electromagnetic CompatibilityDirective 2014/30/EU.1.10 CopyrightThe contents of this publication are believed to be correct at the time ofprinting. In the interests of a commitment to a policy of continuousdevelopment and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right tochange the specification of the product or its performance, or thecontents of the guide, without notice.All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form by any means, electrical or mechanical includingphotocopying, recording or by an information storage or retrieval system,without permission in writing from the publisher.It is essential that changes to the settings are given carefulconsideration. Depending on the application, a change couldhave an impact on safety. Appropriate precautions must betaken against inadvertent changes or tampering. Somespecific settings which require particular care are listedbelow. This is not an exclusive list. Other settings may havean impact on safety in specific applications.CAUTION