129i3 Measure white balance.When the camera is ready to measurewhite balance, a flashing L will bedisplayed. Before the indicator stopsflashing, frame the reference object sothat it fills the display and press theshutter-release button all the wayd o w n . N o p h o t o g r a p h w i l l b erecorded; white balance can be mea-sured accurately even when the cam-era is not in focus.4 Check the results.If the camera was able to measure avalue for white balance, the messageshown at right will be displayed. Toreturn to shooting mode immediately,press the shutter-release button half-way.If lighting is too dark or too bright, thecamera may be unable to measurewhite balance. The message at rightwill be displayed. Return to Step 3 andmeasure white balance again.