19JpEnDeFrEsSeRuNlItCzSkCkChKr The built-in flash and vignetting• The built-in flash cannot be used over distancesof less than 0.6 m (2.0 ft.).• To prevent vignetting, do not use the lens hood.• Vignetting is the darkening of the corners aroundthe image that occurs when the light emitted bythe flash is obstructed by the lens barrel.Cameras Supported focal length/Shooting distanceD700 (FX format) • 28 mm/3 m (9.8 ft.) or greater• 35 mm/1 m (3.3 ft.) or greaterD700 (DX format) • 20 mm/1.5 m (4.9 ft.) or greater• 24 mm or longer/No restrictionD300-Series,D200, D100• 24 mm/2 m (6.6 ft.) or greater• 28 mm/1 m (3.3 ft.) or greater• 35 mm/No restrictionD90, D80, D5000,D3000, D60, D50,D40-Series• 28 mm/1.5 m (4.9 ft.) or greater• 35 mm/1 m (3.3 ft.) or greaterD70-Series • 28 mm/2 m (6.6 ft.) or greater• 35 mm/1 m (3.3 ft.) or greaterOther cameras Vignetting occurs at any shootingdistance. Focusing, zooming, and depth offieldBefore focusing, rotate the zoom ring to adjust thefocal length until the desired composition isframed. If your camera has a depth-of-fieldpreview (stopdown) button or lever, depth of fieldcan be previewed through the camera viewfinder.• This lens is equipped with the Internal Focusing(IF) system. As the shooting distance decreases,the focal length also decreases.• The distance scale does not indicate the precisedistance between the subject and the camera.Values are approximate and should be used onlyas a general guide. When shooting distantlandscapes, depth of field may influenceoperation and the subject may appear in focusat a position that is closer than infinity.• For more information, see p. 146. Setting the apertureUse the camera to adjust the aperture setting.