Thecameraisequippedwithatensecondandtwosecondtimerforselflportraits.Thisfeatureisusefulforreducingtheeffectsofcamerashakethatoccurswhenpressingtheshutterreleasebutton.Whenusingtheselfltimer,useofatripodisrecommended.1 Pressthemultiselector(self-timer).The self-timer menu is displayed.,<o_mDc8vrD322 Press the multi selector A or V to choose 10s or 2 s and press the _) button,10 s (ten seconds): Use on important occasions, such asweddings2 s (two seconds): Use to prevent camera shakeThe mode selected for self timer is displayed.Ifa setting is not applied by pressing the _) button within a few seconds, the selectionwill be canceled.3 s,utter-re.e se r met,ep,cturebutton npress, ,fw .t,eFocus and exposure will be set.4 Press the shutter-release button therest of the way down.The selfltimer starts, and the number ofseconds remaining before the shutter isreleased is displayed in the monitor.The self_timer lamp blinks while the timer is countingdown. About one second before the shutter isreleased, the lamp stops blinking and glowssteadily.When tile shutter is released, tile seWftimer willbe set to OFF.To stop tile timer before a picture is taken, presstile shutter release button again.