[] Viewing Images• Images may be displayed briefly at low resolution immediately after switching to the next orprevious image.• When images in which the face of a person (_73) or a pet (_48) was detected at the time ofshooting are displayed in full frame playback mode, depending upon the orientation of thedetected face, the images may be automatically rotated for playback display (except imagescaptured in a series).• You can change the orientation of an image using Rotate image in the playback menu (_84).• Each series of images captured using continuous shooting is saved in a sequence, and by default,only the first image in the sequence (key picture) is displayed to represent them (_85), Press the_) button to display them as individual images. Press • to return to the key picture only display.] Notes About the Quick Effects Function• When ri_:lr!l is displayed in full frame playback mode, you canpress Q button to apply an effect to the image,• When the effect selection screen is displayed, press • or • toselect an effect, press the _) button, and then select Yes in theconfirmation dialog and press the _) button to save the image asa separate file,See "Quick Effects" (_=_18) for more information.[] More Information• See "Playback Zoom" (_80) for more information,• See "Thumbnail Display, Calendar Display" (_81) for more information,• See "Selecting Certain Types of Images for Playback" (_82) for more information,• See"Features That Can Be Set with the MENIJButton (Playback Menuy (_84) for more information,oooQ_g-33