219Error MessagesTechnical Notes and IndexNUnable to createpanorama.Cannot perform easypanorama shooting.Easy panorama shooting may not beavailable in the following situations.• When shooting has not finishedafter a certain period of time• When the camera movementspeed is too fast• When the camera is not straightrelative to the panorama direction60NUnable to createpanorama. Pan thecamera in one directiononly.NUnable to createpanorama. Pan thecamera more slowly.PSound file cannot besaved.A voice memo cannotbe attached to this file.• Voice memos cannot be attachedto movies.• Select an image captured with thiscamera.–142NA blink was detected inthe picture just taken.Someone may havehad their eyes closedwhen the picture wastaken.Check results in playback mode. 68NImage cannot bemodified.Cannot edit selectedpicture.• Confirm the conditions that arerequired for editing.• Movies cannot be edited.146–NCannot record movie.Time out error whilerecording movie.Choose memory card with fasterwrite speed. 214NCannot reset filenumbering.No more folders canbe created.Insert a new memory card, or formatthe internal memory/memory card.26, 200,202NMemory contains noimages.No pictures in theinternal memory ormemory card.• Remove the memory card from thecamera to play back images savedin the camera’s internal memory.• To copy files from internal memoryto memory card, press the dbutton to display the copy screen,then copy the files from internalmemory to memory card.26144Display Description Solution A