121Error MessagesTechnical NotesKFile contains noimage data.File not created withCOOLPIX S500View file on computer orother device.–IThis file cannot beplayed back.KAll images are hid-den.Date and time are not setfor pictures to be dis-played by calendar modeor list by date mode.– –KThis image cannot bedeleted.Picture is protected. Disable protection. 95KNew city is in thecurrent time zone.Destination in same timezone as home. –103Lens errorJLens error. Turn camera off and thenon again. If error persists,contact retailer or Nikonrepresentative.20ICommunicationserrorUSB cable disconnectedduring transfer or print-ing.If PictureProject displayserror, click [OK] to exit.Resume operation afterturning camera off andreconnecting cable.69, 74[USB] option incorrect. Choose correct [USB]option.69, 70PictureProject did notstart. – –KNo images aremarked for transfer.No pictures selected fortransfer.Select pictures for trans-fer in the playback menuand try again.72,96ITransfer errorTransfer error. • Check battery level.• Check that USB cable isconnected.2069System errorJError has occurred incamera’s internal cir-cuitry.Turn camera off, removeand reinsert battery, andturn camera on. If errorpersists, contact retaileror Nikon representative.15, 20Display Problem Solution c