Reference SectionE34C Points of Interest (POI) InformationPOI information is location name information for landmarks (facilities) andother details.• When Display POI in Points of interest(POI) (E90) of the Location data optionsmenu is set to On, the nearest location nameinformation for the current position isdisplayed during shooting (only whenpositioning is performed).• When Embed POI is set to On, locationname information can be recorded on theimage during shooting (only whenpositioning is performed).• If the location name information wasrecorded on the image during shooting, this information is displayed whenDisplay POI is set to On during playback.• The location name information may not be displayed depending on thesetting level in Level of detail of Points of interest (POI). Also, certainlandmark names may not be registered, or the landmark name may bedifferent.C Images with Recorded Location Data• The z icon is displayed during playback for images which have the location datarecorded (A5).• The location data recorded on an image can be checked on a map with ViewNX 2after transferring the image to a computer (E58).• The actual place of shooting may differ from the location data recorded on theimage files due to the accuracy of the location data obtained and a difference inthe geodetic system used.• The location data and POI information recorded on images can be erased usingErase location data in Location data options (E87). The erased informationcannot be recovered.25m 0s25m 0s8808801/2501/250 F3.7F3.7Location name information(POI information)