119118Troubleshooting —continuedLCD panel Viewfinder— # or % blinks(in M exposuremode)-- blinks -- blinks90 appears 90 appears(when shutterspeed faster than1/90 sec. isselected)— ‡ blinksCause• Subject brightness isbeyond camera’sexposure range.• Shutter speed is set to-- (Time) in S mode.• Auto ExposureBracketing is setduring Long Timeexposure.• Shutter speed fasterthan sync speed isselected in S or Mmode in flashphotography.• Subject is too darkand flash isrecommended in P,S, A or M mode.Page6157, 6262, 6894, 9755,57,59,61,90, 95Remedy• When the subject is bright, useND filter and when the subjectis dark, use flash. Theelectronic analogue exposuredisplay remains blinking whenthe Speedlight is used.• Cancel the -- by selecting30 sec. or faster shutterspeed, or select M mode toperform Long Time Exposure.• Select shutter speed otherthan -- to cancel Long Timeexposure, or cancel AutoExposure Bracketing.• Simply release the shutter totake a flash picture. (Shutterspeed automatically shifts to1/90 sec.)• Use Speedlight.MISCELLANEOUSLCD panel ViewfinderE appears œ blinksErr and E blink ∑ blinksE blinks when œ blinksexposure meteris turned on— / blinksHI appears HI appearsLo appears Lo appearsCause• Film is not correctlyinstalled.• Film is not correctlyadvanced.• Film remains in thecamera after filmrewind is complete.• Autofocus is notpossible.• Overexposurewarning (subject istoo bright).• Underexposurewarning (subject istoo dark).Page21213129555759555759Remedy• Reload film.• Reload film.• Remove the film cartridge.• Focus manually.• In P mode, use ND filter.• In S mode, select faster shutterspeed.• In A mode, select smalleraperture (larger f-number).• If the warning indicationremains after performing aboveremedies in S or A mode, useND filter as well.• In P mode, use flash.• In S mode, select slowershutter speed.• In A mode, select largeraperture (smaller f-number).• If the warning indicationremains after performing aboveremedies in S or A mode, useflash as well.www.mynikon.com.pl