107ooThe Playback MenuTo display the playback menu, press G and select Playback.The playback menu contains the following options:G buttonOption Description Default 0Delete Delete multiple images. — 85Slide show View movies and photos in a slideshow.Image type: All imagesSelected scene: AutoFrame interval: 5 sMovie playback time:Same as frame intervalAudio: Background track 187ImagereviewChoose whether pictures aredisplayed after shooting. On 110Rotate tallRotate “tall” (portrait-orientation)pictures for display duringplayback.On 110DPOF printorder Create digital “print orders”. — 106Protect Protect pictures from accidentaldeletion. — 110Rating Rate pictures. — 110D-LightingBrighten shadows in dark or back-litphotos, creating a retouched copythat is saved separately from theunmodified original.— 111Resize Create small copies of selectedpictures.Choose size:1280×856; 1.1 M 112