Wheel System, Traction 151Service Manual – Condor ™ EcoFlex™, BR 1100/1300 EcoFlex ™Diagnostics Method BMethod B uses the optional hand-held Curtis programmer model 1307, or the new model 1311 MP1101With a programmer, diagnostics and troubleshooting is more direct than with the detergent system LEDindicator alone The programmer presents complete diagnostic information in plain language with no codesto decipher Faults are displayed in the Diagnostic Menu, and the status of the controller inputs/outputs isdisplayed in the Test MenuThe following four-step process is generally used for diagnosing and troubleshooting an inoperative vehicle:1 Visually inspect the vehicle for obvious problems2 Diagnose the problem using the programmer3 Test the circuitry with the programmer4 Correct the problem Repeat the last three steps as necessary until the vehicle is operationalFor example: A vehicle that does not operate in “forward” is brought in for repair1 Examine the vehicle and its wiring for any obvious problems such as broken wires or loose connections.2 Connect the programmer, put it in diagnostic mode and read the displayed fault information In thisexample, the display shows “No Faults Present”, indicating that the controller has not detected anythingout of the norm3 Put the programmer in the test mode and observe the status of inputs and outputs in the forwarddirection In this example, the display shows that the forward input did not activate when “forward” wasselected, which means the problem is either in the electronic throttle or the throttle wiring4 Check or replace the electronic throttle and wiring and repeat the test. If the programmer shows theforward switch closing and the vehicle now drives normally, the problem has been correctedRefer to the Status LED Fault Codes section for suggestions covering a wide range of possible faultsDiagnostic HistoryThe handheld programmer can be used to access the controller’s diagnostic history file. Connect theprogrammer, press the MORE INFO key. While continuing to hold the MORE INFO key, press the DIAGNOSTICSkey. The programmer will read out all the faults that the controller has experienced since the last time thediagnostic history file was cleared. The faults may be intermittent faults, faults caused by loose wires orfaults caused by operator errors Faults such as HPD or over-temperature may be caused by operator habitsor by overloadingAfter a problem has been diagnosed and corrected, it’s advisable to clear the diagnostic history file. Thisallows the controller to accumulate a new file of faults. By checking the new diagnostic history file at a laterdate, you can readily determine whether the problem was indeed completely fixed.To clear the diagnostic history file, go to the Special Program Menu (by pressing and holding the MORE INFOkey, and then pressing the PROGRAM key). Scroll through the menu until Clear Diagnostic History is the topline in the display, then press MORE INFO again. The programmer will prompt you to acknowledge or cancel.See the Curtis programmer manual 56043101 for more detail on programmer operationService Note: The text used above in the descriptions of the Curtis programmer usage is that usedfor the original (older) model 1307. Reference the manual 56043101 for the correctusage terminology for the new model programmer 1311.